Saturday, 7 March 2009

Another Blog Award...

Hi all,

WOW, what an honour to be presented with another blog award by Sara, please click here to visit her blog.

I will proudly display this with all my other blog awards and will pass this onto five other people who support me and leave encouraging comments on my blog.

I would like to pass on this blog award to the following people:

1) Carole
2) Steph
3) Kate
4) Nikki
5) Aimes

Thank you to everyone who visit my blog and return time and time again. Leaving a comment really does brighten my day and I love to read your thoughts on my work so that I can improve on each and every creation that I make.

Bye for now,



  1. Thank you so much for thinking of me Alex - I love to visit your blog! Take care, Kate x

  2. Thanks so much for nominating me for this award Alex! Your blog is fab and because I truly appreciate your comments on my blog I've cheated and awarded it to you again - enjoy! Aimesx

  3. Thank you so much Alex, I hope you had a great day. Zoe had a fun birthday party but got home to bad news in that Gary will lose his job :-( Trying to stay positive. Big Hugs, Nikki x


Hi there,

Thank you for visiting my blog and taking the time to leave me a comment, I look forward to reading it :)
